Monday, February 10, 2014

Igloo - Winter Survival at Lyncrest Feb 8-9th 2014 with CASARA Search and Rescue -44C overnight and everyone warm!

Seven adventures folks camped overnight in igloos they built at Lyncrest Airport on Feb 8-9th 2014
with University of Manitoba, Recreational Aircraft Association, and Springfield Flying Club's 
2nd Survival course for 2014 with Instructors Drs. Rick Riewe and Jill Oakes, with Lindsay Kitson assisting.
Temperatures plummeting to -44C with wind chill...Sunday morning everyone awoke warm as toast.
CASARA provided aircraft overhead to do a mock search.
Participants included Gonzales, a visiting student from Chili, Lisse Michaels and her family, Jared, Jesse and Don
from Anola, James and Kathryn from U of MB, and C-FLUG pilots Lindsey and Betty-Ann from Birds Hill Park area.

Thank you to Burt Barkman for providing an amazing history tour!

Our next workshop is scheduled for March 1-2, 2014, email to register and 
If you'd like to try sleeping in an igloo without actually building one, 

 Al Fraser, CASARA
 Pilot Bill Karras, CASARA

 Raymond and Grace, CASARA Spotters and Navigators
 Bill Karras CASARA Pilot

 Burt Barkman's amazing tour!